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Day 2 - Awesome Authors!

Here you will find the reading materials, videos, links and writing materials needed for Awesome Authors: DAY 2

Cartoon Crocodile

1. Quick Review

Let's go over what we did on Day 1!

Plot, character & setting!

9:10 am - 9:30 am

2. Let's Share!

Would anyone like to share what they've written so far?

9:30 - 10:00 am

3. Awesome Authors

J.K. Rowling

S. Messenger 

Gordan Korman

Marie Lu + more!


10:15 - 10:30 am

4. Blah, blah, blah!

Say what? Let's go over how to write dialogue!

11 am - 11:30 am

5. Videos


slideshow on

 Punctuating Dialogue

11:30 pm - 12:00 pm

6. Write!





1:00 - 1:30 pm

7. Meet!

Here is when you can book time to meet with me!

 After you book a time with me, keep on writing!

2:00 - 2:50 pm

8. On Your Own





Do some writing at home if you can!

1. Let's Review:

a. What was something that stuck out to you on Day 1?

b. Was there anything new you learned?

c. Why is important to develop plot, character, setting, etc.?

d. Is there anything you'd like to go over?

e. Do you have any suggestions or ideas?

2. Let's Play Kahoot! Game Pin: TBA

3. Awesome Authors - Authors on Writing:

Here you can watch one or more of the videos below or research your own!
Kiddle Kids Search Engine.png
Search Engine
Robert Munsch
Madeleine L'Engle
J. K. Rowling
Judy Blume (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).
Jeff Kinney (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).
Jacqueline Woodson (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).

Upload your Story Elements Graphic Organizer here!

You must use your VSB email. It's your MyEd number

Rick Riordon (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).
Gordan Korman (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).
Marie Lu (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).
Shannon Messenger (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).
Stephanie Meyer (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).
Stuart Gibbs (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).
Holly Black (It will still work, even if initial picture is black).

Once you've watched a video or more (above) on how

different authors approach the writing process, please

click on this link to share your reflections.



Punctuation Dialogue PDF Slideshow

PLEASE read me

all the way


When you are done reading the slideshow above, do the quizlet below. Scroll within the window to see and do each question:

Let's talk about talking. Dialogue!

Let's Dialogue!

Write your own version of the boring story...(page 123 - 124 Section 13 - How to Write Dialogue from Spilling Ink)
This will get sent directly to the teacher; no one else will see it. :)

Thanks for submitting!


Below, you are going to write your scene.

Use your initials so that the teacher knows who wrote what.

For example, If your name is Harry Potter, your initials would be HP.

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